Develop the customer service skills within your call centres
Appropriate for new call centre recruits and more experienced operators, wishing to fine-tune their skills.
Connecting with the caller from the outset Ensuring a high-quality customer experience without extending call time Knowing how to deal with unhappy customers and difficult conversations Knowing when it is appropriate to move to a sales conversation
Suggested modules
- Telephone communication skills and customer handling
- Dealing with awkward customers and difficult situations
- Conversational selling Techniques to drive customer loyalty
Talk to us about developing a program tailored to your needs:
Prosell has resources to deliver training programs across Australia;
covering Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra and internationally.
Please continue browsing through our portfolio of programs
to get a flavour of the range of courses we offer
Sales and Sales Management Training
Customer Service and Customer Service Management Training
Talk to us about developing a program tailored to your needs:
Prosell has resources to deliver training programs across Australia;
covering Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra and internationally.